I'll add my .02c to this thread as well. Other than drinking heavily, here is my take as the IT guy for several adobe licenses. The solution to this issue can be different for different users... because people use different products, and install/uninstall different apps, which ultimately create different registrations. For example, if you use XD, you might find that .psd gets mapped to XD... or if you have older products, you might find that certain extensions get mapped to those older products. Here is what I think, and here is the best solution I can offer until Adobe and MicroSloth get their !@#$ together: (use below with caution and see disclaimer at bottom) First use Adobe Create Cloud to 'manage' (to right of product, click upside down carrot) your products keeping in mind that the last action taken usually takes precedence over the prior. So, for example, instead of simply updating photoshop. Uninstall the existing photoshop first, then install the new one (yes, you can keep your prefs). You may find that you will have to uninstall already upgraded products to get the order of installation right. For example, I had to uninstall XD 2019, then uninstall Photoshop 2019, then install XD again, and then PS again to get some mappings corrected. This management using Creative Cloud won't always get it perfect.. and at this point, you need to get into regedit to fix remaining issues. The best thing I can tell you about this is to 2 things: 1.) Use the 'Find' feature in the Registry Editor With 'Computer' selected in the left pain, go to: 'Edit' > 'Find..' 2.) Use common sense. For example, if you are looking at a file in Explorer and it says 'Photoshop.Image.19'.. you know that Explorer is trying to map that file to an older photoshop.. and you know that it should be .20 instead. In this case, use the find feature in regedit to find 'Photoshop.Image.19' and use some common sense to either change those instances, or add new ones to point to .20. Same for other mappings.. note the 'Type' column in Explorer. Disclaimer: I only mention these thoughts because it is a fix for this problem that Adobe needs to resolve. You can damage your system functionality in regedit.. so don't say I didn't warn you. Use regedit with caution.
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